Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Akay har under lång tid förgyllt den Stockholmska stadsbilden med skön street art. Hemsidan är klassisk och bjuder på en hel del sköna projekt.
Jag gillar Akay.

Min all time-favourite är den lilla röda stugan mellan motorvägarna vid Norrtull.

"High in a rocky tree-covered area between two busy highways, a miniature Swedish summer cottage painted traditional red with white trim suddenly appeared. Of course, it didn’t actually appear, klisterpete and akay carried it up there. They built the red picket fence to surround the tiny grassy area. They hung the clothes line across the yard. They brought the promise of the swedish countryside everyone wants to escape to, right into the middle of the city. They took an unused, unappreciated space and made it a charming and peaceful place of wonder despite the traffic below, the train passing on its tracks behind, buildings stretching out farther behind those..."

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